The past and future of Europe
30 July 2018
The future of Europe is written into its past of many different cultures, languages, identities and above all economic, social, fiscal, political and monetary systems, traditions and cultures. A thousand years ago, Europe as we know it today did not exist. Thirty-fifty million people living between the Ural and the British isles, between Scandinavia and … Read more » “The past and future of Europe”
Europeanisation of Europe
9 November 2017
Once upon a time, one thousand years ago, Europe was a backward continent compared to the Arab world and the Islamic Penisula. The great Roman and Greek legacy was kept alive by monastries and in Arab libraries. This changed after the new millenium however. From the 12th century, the Europeanization of Europe, in so far … Read more » “Europeanisation of Europe”
The European Legal Heritage
30 October 2017
The history of the European courts in Strasbourg and Luxembourg started long before their foundation after the Second World War. The legal history of Europe reveals a long common tradition of cooperation, integration and concepts of the juridical and appellate system, legal practice and legal education amidst a politically fragmented landscape. It is no exaggeration … Read more » “The European Legal Heritage”
The Swiss go their own way and connect Europe
30 October 2017
Long before the arrival of the Romans, Celtic and Rhetian tribes that inhabited present-day Switzerland traded with Greece, Italy and regions far beyond. They even used the Greek language in political and trade deals. The territory romanized as part of the Roman Empire from the first century AD onwards and the first mountain passes opened: the … Read more » “The Swiss go their own way and connect Europe”
Edward Gibbon would have voted Leave
30 October 2017
The durability of the works by the historian Edward Gibbon (1737-1794) owes nothing to the advantage, or accident, of direct observation, because he did not write contemporary history when he wrote his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in the years 1776-1788, one year before the French revolution. In looking back on the Roman … Read more » “Edward Gibbon would have voted Leave”