The museums are arranged in alphabetical order of their location.

St. Pieters Abbey

St Peter’s Abbey (Sint Pieters Abdij) is one of Ghent’s most important historic monuments, boasting its own vineyard, cloisters and magnificent ruins. Now a cultural institute, it hosts exhibitions throughout the year and has introduced an interactive movie guide to enhance visits. The venue retains a wealth of architectural features including Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque … Read more » “St. Pieters Abbey”

Site Grand Hornu

Grand-Hornu is one of the finest examples of neoclassical industrial heritage in Europe. This monumental complex was built in the 19th century by Henri Degorge, a French entrepreneur who was tempted by the coal mining venture. The Museum of Contemporary Arts is also housed at Hornu and  the Grand-Hornu site is now one of Belgium’s … Read more » “Site Grand Hornu”

Museum M

The varied permanent collection is built up around two major groups of objects. One is a unique collection of late-gothic paintings and sculptures. The second consists of 19th-century paintings and sculptures by various Flemish masters. In both periods, the production and collection of art in Leuven had reached a peak. The period rooms of the … Read more » “Museum M”

Museum of Ancient Arts

The oldest Works of the museum are masterpieces of Meuse regional art from the twelfth century, scroll, reliquary crosses, pyxis, stone baptismal fonts, panel paintings, the Oignies’s treasury, ivories and other artifacts. Later periods are covered by wood and stone sculptures of statues of saints and altarpieces. Chasubles, orphreys, goblets are included as well. Other … Read more » “Museum of Ancient Arts”

Center for Old Arts

The Centre for Old Arts ‘t Vliegend Peert is a research institute focussing on the pictural art in the Southern Netherlands between 1500 and 1650, with special attention to satirical-moralising themes. It is no coincidence that these painters and their satirical themes have been selected. ‘t Vliegend Peert, the historical house in which the institute … Read more » “Center for Old Arts”

Stavelot Abbey

The abbey (Abbaye de Stavelot) and its site is one of the oldest monastic foundations in Belgium and also houses the museum of the poet Guillaume Apollinaire. The other museum in the abbey illustrates the history of the principality of Stavelot-Malmedy.    

Gallo-Roman Museum

The Gallo-Roman Museum’s collection comprises an estimated 170.000 objects: from the smallest potsherds to large fragments of wall, flint tools belonging to the Neanderthals and the first Homo sapiens: tangible evidence of their cultures, fragile earthenware pots which testify to a stable farming community – a way of life which began to take root in … Read more » “Gallo-Roman Museum”