Museum of Fine Arts Rouen

The collection of the museum (Musée des Beaux-Arts) features paintings, sculptures, drawings and objets of art from the 15th century to the present day. Perugino, Gerard David, Clouet and Veronese are the first major landmarks in a circuit that continues with an exceptional group of 17th century paintings, including masterpieces by Rubens, Caravaggio, Velázquez, Vouet, La Hyre, Poussin and Le Sueur. The rooms dedicated to 18th century art contain paintings by Fragonard, Boucher and Hubert Robert, together with sculptures and other artefacts. The presence of key works by great masters from Ingres to Monet make the museum a high temple of 19th century painting. Géricault, Delacroix, Corot, Gustave Moreau, Degas and Monet are represented and the museum is the home to France’s biggest Impressionist collection outside Paris. Modigliani, Dufy and the Duchamp brothers introduce the collections of the 20th century, followed by abstract artists such as Vieira da Silva, Dubuffet and Nemours. The collections of drawings and ceramics contributed to the museum’s reputation.

Museum: Museum of Fine Arts Rouen
City: Rouen
Country: France
Address: Esplanade Marcel-Duchamp