Cluny Abbey

Founded in 910, Cluny Benedictine Abbey (Abbaye de Cluny) shone over Europe during the Middle Ages, the mother house for over monastries, until the dissolution in 1791. the abbey’s church’s huge vestigates were restored and the eighteenth century buildings are highlighted to mark the recent 1100 anniverary. The Benedictine monks wished to observe closer adherence to the Benedictine rule The Abbey at Cluny was the center of a monastic reform movement that would spread throughout Europe.The museum contains masterpieces of Clunian architecture, sculpture, illuminated books and other artefacts, in particular from the Romanesque period. Remains of both the abbey and the village constructed around it are conserved here, as well as part of the Bibliothèque des Moines (Monks’ Library). The great transept gives an idea of the height beneath the vaulting in Cluny III.

Museum: Cluny Abbey
City: Cluny
Country: France
Address: Abbaye de Cluny